full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Ingrid Betancourt: What six years in captivity taught me about fear and faith

Unscramble the Blue Letters

It rained all night that nghit. The following morning, the camp woke up to a big commotion, because Pincho had fled. They made us dismantle the camp, and we started marching. During the march, the head guerrillas told us that Pincho had died, and that they had found his rmieans eaten by an anaconda. Seventeen days peassd — and believe me, I counted them, because they were turrote for me. But on the steneentveh day, the news exploded from the radio: Pincho was free and obviously alive. And this was the first thing he said:

Open Cloze

It rained all night that _____. The following morning, the camp woke up to a big commotion, because Pincho had fled. They made us dismantle the camp, and we started marching. During the march, the head guerrillas told us that Pincho had died, and that they had found his _______ eaten by an anaconda. Seventeen days ______ — and believe me, I counted them, because they were _______ for me. But on the ___________ day, the news exploded from the radio: Pincho was free and obviously alive. And this was the first thing he said:


  1. passed
  2. torture
  3. remains
  4. night
  5. seventeenth

Original Text

It rained all night that night. The following morning, the camp woke up to a big commotion, because Pincho had fled. They made us dismantle the camp, and we started marching. During the march, the head guerrillas told us that Pincho had died, and that they had found his remains eaten by an anaconda. Seventeen days passed — and believe me, I counted them, because they were torture for me. But on the seventeenth day, the news exploded from the radio: Pincho was free and obviously alive. And this was the first thing he said:

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
armed men 2
fellow hostages 2

Important Words

  1. alive
  2. anaconda
  3. big
  4. camp
  5. commotion
  6. counted
  7. day
  8. days
  9. died
  10. dismantle
  11. eaten
  12. exploded
  13. fled
  14. free
  15. guerrillas
  16. head
  17. march
  18. marching
  19. morning
  20. news
  21. night
  22. passed
  23. pincho
  24. rained
  25. remains
  26. seventeen
  27. seventeenth
  28. started
  29. told
  30. torture
  31. woke